The creative potential of every one of us is unlimited. It helps us to get back on our feet again and again. While instincts ensure our survival, it is our creativity that brings us closer the devine.
KE architects is an independent, somewhat unorthodox think tank, made up of professionals of various disciplines. Its members put creative endeavour, innovation and ethical behaviour at the centre of their thoughts and actions. Responsibly, but unencumbered by rigid, traditional patterns of thought, they generate concepts and visions that can form the basis of the architecture of an existence worth living.
Respecting existing structures, as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, KE architects strives to initiate projects that provide innovative solutions with a positive, lasting, economic, social and ecological impact.
The growing complexity of today's planning and construction tasks, the specialization that is required and the extensive involvement of clients in technical and economical problems necessitate increasingly comprehensive services. Interdisciplinary know-how, project-management skills, international experience are basic requirements for a modern consulting organization in the planning and construction field.